Archive for April, 2009

A new website just for HyperOffice clients

Learn how your industry peers find unique uses for HyperOffice, take advantage of exclusive specials, even gain additional insight into how HyperOffice may be applied to your environment. All in a new HyperOffice site designed for existing HyperOffice customers.

Learn more at

As our client base grows, as does our need to diversify and enhance our communications and resources for existing clients. With this goal in mind, we have dedicated the Client Resources site as a means to not only enhance our customers’ use of the product through industry-specific approaches, customization methods and additional product offerings, but also to keep our clients up to date on enhancements and developments in the HyperOffice world.

To futher develop our community, we are also introducing the HyperOffice User Group “H.U.G.” as a means for our customers to interact directly and share HyperOffice experiences- you may join H.U.G. through your existing LinkedIn account here.

Not only will you be able to take advantage of exclusive customer packages and promotions, but through this site you will learn how to better apply HyperOffice within your existing business environment through the practical application of real-world scenarios and case studies.

You may think of the HyperOffice client resource site as a place to learn about how to get the most out of your investment.

Visit the HyperOffice Client Resource Site

SharePoint Alternative for Enterprises?

We can’t help but feel the slight self satisfaction of the “I told you so” feeling at the recent debate raging between corporate technology pundits. The moot point is “SharePoint in Enterprise 2.0″ and it seems like almost every who’s who in the space has something to say.

The general verdict is in the direction “Sharepoint has serious shortcomings as an enterprise 2.0 tool”. What especially pleases us is that we have been making the same arguments for years now for growing businesses. We have long seen that Sharepoint has serious shortcomings as a collaboration solution for growing businesses, which is why we have positioned ourselves strongly as a “Sharepoint Alternative“, and have gained a high relevance in the arena (high ranking in Google results for “SharePoint alternative” shall testify).

Now enterprises seem to be learning the same lessons.

Read the entire article

HyperOffice Collaboration Suite wins #1 Collaboration & Productivity Award

We learned today that HyperOffice won the April Collaboration & Productivity Award by SaaSDirectory. We’re very proud to be recognized as a leader in the hosted collaboration and messaging market. With the rapid adoption by SaaS in the SMBs, I’m hearing many business owners have a hard time cutting through the noise by some of the unproven vendors jumping on the SaaS bandwagon. SaaSDirectory may be helpful to help SMBs shortlist reputable business collaboration software. Thank you SaaSDirectory.