Are you looking to collaborate with a team on a database? Do members of your team use Macs to complete their work? Would you like to have your data stored and updated in real time in a cloud-based application? You and your team should make the switch to WorkMap! WorkMap is a cloud-based database solution with forms, automations, and reporting capabilities, among other features, that can be accessed from any device through a web browser. This solution serves as a great MS Access alternative, especially for teams that answered yes to any or all of the questions above. WorkMap is a no-code solution, meaning it will be very manageable for your team to learn how to use this product and customize it to fit your specific workflow needs.
Easily Customizable Forms
WorkMap offers forms that can be easily customized with a drag-and-drop form editor. These forms are able to capture data from outside users, as they can be shared with a public link or embedded on a website. Additionally, forms can be used for internal submission of data as well, similar to the usage of forms in MS Access.
Multiple Data Views and Visual Links
WorkMap offers both tabular and modal views of records in a workflow (table), both of which show the links between tables. These visual links can be used to display connected information that may reside in a different table, without having to switch screens on your device. For example, in a school management database, a table of students can be linked to records of parents or guardians, as well as records of classes and teachers. Additionally, the multiple data views make it much easier to locate and view information, meaning that less reporting is necessary.
In WorkMap, workflows can be further broken down into phases, which provide a visual aid for keeping track of the processes that a record moves through. In the example below, a sales deal can be moved through the phases New Deal, Review Deal, and Won or Lost.
Powerful No-Code Automations
WorkMap offers a series of automations that can be easily created without any coding knowledge. These automations are a great way to speed-up and properly maintain processes with a workflow, without having to learn SQL or other languages required to query a database. They can be triggered by new record creations, record updates, phase movements, or a date-time condition.
Also, these automations can be used in conjunction with phases, by keeping an updated status field. In the example sales workflow above, records will automatically move between new deal, review deal, and won or lost when their status column is updated.
Below is a sample of how automations are created, which function on the premise of “when this happens, do this.”
Similar to forms, WorkMap offers easily customizable reports, created through a drag-and-drop editor. These reports can be shared with external users through a public link or by embedding the report on a website. The report can also be exported through a .csv file. In the example below, all records where “Yes” is stored in the Allergies column are visible, along with allergy details.
If you are still unsure about making the switch from MS Access to WorkMap, here’s a table with more important comparisons between the two:
In conclusion, it may be time for MS Access users to make the switch to WorkMap, especially if they are looking for improved collaboration on and improved team-accessibility to their database!