Intranet costs: 7 options [with specific numbers]

Though it might immediately seem irrelevant to determining intranet costs, the following example is instructive. In times when web development seems to be a mature and predictable discipline, we see cases like Hertz suing Accenture for $32m because the world-class consultancy firm failed to deliver a functional website. Some of the reasons that Hertz took this … Read more

+70 intranet content ideas to make your intranet less boring

Is your intranet suffering the Google Plus effect? A very expensive system that promised it would change forever your company as a whole but ended up being just a hyped dream, a nice webpage that nobody visits? Ok, this is more commonplace than you think. In fact, some even have claimed that corporate intranets are dead, … Read more

Picking an Employee HR portal software: a checklist

What can you achieve through an HR Employee Portal? You want to be sure that employees are equipped with all the information and tools they need to best perform their jobs. However, you also want to be sure their needs as humans are also met - HR’s domain. Hence an “Employee HR Portal”. As you … Read more

Customer portal solutions: a detailed checklist for picking yours

Customer Portals are a great way to leverage digital technology to improve your customers’ experience. They serve a variety of purposes like facilitating real time communication, allowing customers access to important information, fostering transparency, to integrating processes with customers. All in all, they make for better customer service and happier customers. During your product research, … Read more

How to build your own white-label employee portal - a step by step tutorial

In this article, I will lead you step by step through building an employee portal in HyperOffice. HyperOffice is one of the most well known intranet solutions in the market positioned as a “Sharepoint Alternative”, giving organizations a simpler and more modern interface to build robust portals. As you will see, you only need minimal … Read more

Hospital Intranets: 5 must-have features

Hospitals, unlike other organizations and institutions, have to do a lot more heavy lifting given the important societal role Hospitals play and their diverse stake-holders: patients, government, law, personnel, and regulators, just to count a few. The following is a list of essential features that Hospital intranets should have, and what they would be used for: … Read more

HR Intranets ideas and examples

Most HR intranet vendors target IT specialists and engineers: they talk about servers, processors, HTML, Cloud, and other technical stuff. Human Resources professionals, however, are looking at intranets to deliver very specific business benefits such as internal communications, improving productivity, disseminating the company culture and building a happier, better-connected workplace. Fortunately, a new breed of … Read more

CMS intranets: 6 alternatives to pick from

  CMS, or “Content Management System” is an industry term that is normally used in the context of public websites - tools that let you design web pages, centralize management of different pages and so on. However, the term is also relevant in the context of intranets - which may be seen as private websites … Read more

9 Intranet tools to boost team collaboration and engagement in 2018

You’ve been working Fridays, grinding out content for your intranet. You have the responsibility of “disseminating your company’s work culture” (such a heroic and intangible objective). With a thumping heart, you open the engagement report page - 4 clicks for the entire week. Love work? Sounds familiar? Possibly, the main problem of internal communications departments … Read more