Client testimonial Featured Client: Actualize Consulting

IT Consulting



TowerStrides, Inc. is a growing IT consulting firm targeting Fortune 1000 companies, telecom clients and the government sector. It was founded early in 2006 with 8 employees and is on track to double its growth by year’s end. Its employees are in multiple locations throughout Virginia and also in Phoenix, AZ.

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Vijay's initial approach was to explore Exchange and SharePoint hosting services, but he quickly determined that both hosted Exchange and SharePoint would be extremely time-consuming to implement and roll out to his employees. He decided that one of his primary criteria would be to find a solution that he could get up and running in 24 hours, without additional professional IT assistance.

Vijay decided to try HyperOffice's free 30-day trial and was pleasantly surprised to find that he was able to have HyperOffice installed and operating in just a few seconds. "I couldn't believe how quickly I was able to get it up and running. I started using it right away. That was a winning factor for me."

Vijay was planning on almost 100% growth by the end of the year, so he wanted a credible Intranet solution that would accommodate rapid growth without requiring a lot of time for tedious administrative tasks like setting up employee accounts. "I wanted to give my new employees access to their email, work schedule, etc. on the first day of their employment." He also wanted new employees to have easy access to all necessary corporate documentation, rather than having to hunt it down manually.


HyperOffice provides Vijay with a robust and reliable Intranet solution with a user-friendly GUI that encourages quick and easy administration. New accounts, groups and user fluctuations are easy to set up and manage. "Administration is easy. The pricing plan is great and I can increase the number of users and upgrade to the next level online."

HyperOffice is available anytime, anywhere, through any browser. Vijay's employees are in geographically dispersed locations and travel frequently. Some of them use Outlook 2003 and all of them need reliable email and calendar access via the web. HyperOffice provides TowerStrides with a business-class email solution that is available 24/7 through any browser and its new HyperShare functionality accommodates Outlooks users as well - all you need is a broadband connection. "HyperOffice email access is great because I don't have to be tied to my laptop, carrying it everywhere with me, using it every day." Vijay also enjoys the fact that he can access his calendar easily during remote client meetings, "the calendar allows me to properly coordinate between dispersed team members."

In addition, Vijay takes advantage of the handy Task Manager to disseminate tasks amongst his partners, who in turn provide virtual updates as they progress on various tasks. He also uses the contact management features to share his contacts lists across the firm's partners, so he can easily assign a partner a follow-up call without having to send contact information. Lastly, he uses the Links feature to share information across the company.

Vijay is happy to share his own HyperOffice success story. TowerStrides recently bid against six competitors for a $1,000,000 project. TowerStrides made it down to the final two, leaving Vijay pressed to find an advantage between itself and the other contender. TowerStrides' customizable HyperOffice-hosted Internet portal proved to be the differentiator that made the difference. When Vijay told the potential client that TowerStrides could offer a transparent portal by means of their own website, "the client was really WOWed by that and it definitely helped improve our image," ultimately helping TowerStrides win the sale.

Founded in 1998, HyperOffice is a market leader in cloud collaboration and communication software for small and medium sized businesses. We provide the most comprehensive suite of solutions developed over more than 12 years of understanding your growing business needs. HyperOffice's capabilities include customer portal & intranet software, online document management, online project management, shared calendars, contact management software, business email, Outlook sharing and synchronization, push email and mobile collaboration, online database software and web forms and much more - offered as an integrated, easy to use solution accessible over any web connected PC, Mac, or mobile device. HyperOffice is also a viable Microsoft Sharepoint alternative and Microsoft Exchange alternative for growing companies looking for the power of enterprise class messaging and collaboration - but without the associated costs and hassles.
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