AM Professionals is a professional service company focusing on SAP technologies. AM Professionals' team is dispersed, usually at client sites solving business problems and adding to their broad industry experience and depth of knowledge.
The Willow Group is a professional services firm specializing in business consulting, project management, and business and information systems development and delivery. We are committed to the right people, the right approach, and the right results.
As a consultant to investment management companies, The McNamara Group needs usable contract document collaboration and storage. Using HyperOffice, the McNamara Group can manage documents and contracts, view different versions and authors, and comment on any version form anywhere at any time. The McNamara group has moved light years ahead from email to document management with HyperOffice.
A leading outsource consulting firm, The Trowbridge Group, uses HyperOffice to successfully merge operations with an off-shore international firm. Documents and contracts important to the merger can be viewed and shared securely among the partners, lawyers, and investors. In addition, project collaboration can take place between the offices seamlessly.