A typical business document is edited, revised and reviewed numerous times by many people across different levels in a company and outside. It is very important to track document changes, and establish the responsibility of each change.
It is inefficient to manage this collaboration process through email as there is no way to establish version numbers and responsibility of changes, besides the confusion of multiple document versions floating around.
HyperOffice is a web based document management solution, where different team members or external partners can access and work together on documents. Revision control allows you to finely track who made changes, what changes were made, and when they were made.
Document Revision Control Features
Document Revisions
A simple console attached to each document lets you track document revisions, and the responsible persons.
Document Locking
Ensure that nobody overwrites a file while someone else is working on it.
Version Rollback
Want to undo the latest revision? Simply roll back to earlier versions with a simple click.
Document Commenting
Have discussions around every document with threaded comments.
Version Rollback
Want to undo the latest revision? Simply roll back to earlier versions with a simple click.
Document Commenting
Have discussions around every document with threaded comments.
Audit Trails
Track every minute change to a document by viewing details including ownership and creation date as well as activity like who read, deleted, commented on, and locked or unlocked a document.
Trash/Document Recovery Bin
It is never too late to recover a document. Recover your documents from the trash bin even after you deleted them.
Document Permissions
Manage access and editing rights to documents.