1. Click the Web Database module on the navigation bar.
    • In the Modern portal interface, select Applications from the navigation toolbar and click on Web Databases.
  2. Click "New Application" on the top right of the window.
  3. Choose a template, enter the name and a description for the database and click Save to create the database.
  4. To add users:
    • On the General Tab, select the user(s) from the Unassociated Users box and click the right-arrow to move the user to the Associated Users box.
    • Click on Submit and click Close when done adding users.
  5. The application is set up; create forms, tables and views to complete the database.


  • There is no limit to the number of databases that can be created.
  • Only a Level 1 Administrator can create databases.
  • Users can be added at anytime; they do not have to be added when the database is created.
