Importing information into the portal must be in the form of a CSV file. Please use the following tips to make sure the file is in the proper format.

  • The file must be saved as a CSV file
  • First row should contain header information
  • No spaces and special characters are allowed in the headers
  • Headers cannot start with numbers

When importing data into web databases, additional formatting is required.

  • File must be in CSV format
  • Data must be mapped with the correct data type.
    • Number - integers only, no decimals. Excel/csv column should be formatted as number type with no decimals
    • Decimal - integers with 2 decimal places. Excel/csv column should be formatted as number type with 2 decimal places
    • Date - mm/dd/yyyy. Date only, no time. Excel/csv column should be formatted Short Date type
    • Time - xx:xx AM/PM. Time only, no date. Excel/csv column should be formatted as Time
    • ShortText - any text up to 255 characters
    • LongText - any text up to 500 characters
    • Memo - any text up to 65,000 characters
    • Money - same as decimal
    • YesNo - True/False, Yes/No, 0/1
    • generatedID - unique positive integers only. There can only be one generatedID field per table
