This article describes the steps needed to create a defined multiple choice field from another Table.

Multiple choice fields in forms simplifies the data entry process by allowing a user to choose a predetermined selection rather than typing in the entry. Create a multiple choice list from a dataset in an existing table.

Follow these steps to create a multiple choice field from another table.

  1. Expand the Combo Box and select the Dropdown option.
  2. Drag the Combo Box into the second column.
  3. Fill-in the Form Label:
  4. Fill-in the Field name:
  5. Select the Type:*
  6. Select the Dataset: Lookup Table
  7. Select the Table or View: Table:
  8. Select the Display Field:
  9. Select the Value Field:**
  10. Click Save
    • *The field name will be created in the desired table and must be a type of number.
    • **The Value Field is always the RID Column of the Lookup Table.
    • When satisfied with the layout, click Save and exit Form Designer.
