There are two types of database permissions: Users and Roles.


Once users are given access to the database, they need to be defined to a role. By default, the creator of the database will have the "Full Admin" role. All other users will default to the "Everyone" role.

To assign a user to a role:

  1. Select Permissions: User from the toolbar
  2. Highlight a user from the list
  3. Right-click and select Options from the drop down
  4. In the Role field select the role from the dropdown menu



A role defines which users can access a form or view. There are two predefined roles in the portal: Full Admin and Everyone. The Full Admin role gives users the ablility to view and modify all data in all forms, views and tables. The Everyone role, by default, gives users access to forms and views but they cannot view any data. 

To create a role:

  1. Select Permissions: Roles from the toolbar
  2. Select New and fill-in Name and description
  3. Check each item the role can create; tables, forms and or views
  4. Click Submit

To modify a role:

  1. Select Permissions: Roles from the toolbar
  2. Highlight the role, right-click and select Options
  3. Check each item the role can create; tables, forms and or views
  4. Click Submit

To delete a role:

  1. Select Permissions: Roles from the toolbar
  2. Highlight the role, right mouse click and select Delete
  3. Click Submit


Only a Level 1 Administration user in the portal is considered a web databases adminstrator. All other users are considered a basic user in web databases. Administrative rights can be given to a basic user on a per-application basis. To do this:

  1. Select Permissions: Users from the toolbar
  2. Select the user to give admin rights. Double-click on the user or select and click "Options."
  3. Check the "Is Admin" box.
  4. Click "Save." This will give the user full administration rights to the application including creating, modifying and deleting forms, views, tables and permissions/roles.
