A mail exchanger record (MX record) is a resource record in the Domain Name System (DNS) that specifies:
- the mail server responsible for accepting email messages on behalf of a recipient's domain and
- a preference value used to prioritize mail delivery if multiple mail servers are available.
The MX record(s) of a domain name specifies how email should be routed with the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
To receive mail from a registered domain into a portal, the MX record needs to properly configured. While the process is somewhat different for each domain registrar, this can generally be done through an administrator dashboard or account management section of the domain registration account.
Point the MX record to the address provided by your service provider, for example, "custommail.hyperoffice.com." Prior to changing the MX record, contact your service provider to make sure your account is set up to receive mail at that domain. If the MX record is switched before the servers are set up, there will be risk of having mail returned to their senders.
To ensure a smooth transition without downtime, make sure any email addresses or aliases defined with your old mail host have been created in the portal.
NOTE: These instructions apply only to Business Email subscribers.
- Log into the domain registrar account or web host that controls your DNS Settings.
- Look for a section that says DNS Manager or Controls. Select the domain to modify.
- Look for a section that says Add MX record, Configure MX records, or Email Settings. You want to add an MX record for the "@" domain/hostname that points to custommail.hyperoffice.com. We suggest a preference or priority of 10.
- While in the MX records section, DELETE ALL OTHER MX RECORDS. This will ensure all mail is delivered to the portal.
- Log out to complete setup. Please note that it can take between 2 and 48 hours for the changes to propagate to the DNS servers worldwide.
Here are steps to make sure you have set up your DNS configuration correctly. Please be aware the changes may not show up for 48 hours after configuration. The example here is with a fictitious company called Quisine Corp. They have set up a MX record pointing to custommail.hyperoffice.com.
- Click on the Windows Start Button Click on RUN.
- In the Open box, type CMD. This opens up a command prompt.
- Type: NSLOOKUP and press enter - a "greater than sign'"( >) sign will appear.
- Type: set type=mx
- Type a domain name such as "quisine-corp.com." The MX record this domain is pointed to will appear. Please note that most domain names changes take between two (2) and forty eight (48) hours to propagate across the DNS servers worldwide.
**Contact your domain registrar(s) for support on how to configure a MX record.