Buyer's Guide> Case Studies
Case Studies |
Read how some of our clients are using HyperOffice to streamline business operations. |
HyperOffice's hosted intranet solution revolutionizes the way companies do business. Our product is a critical
tool that companies in many industries use to collaborate, communicate, and manage information online.
Read how our customers have overcome common business challenges using HyperOffice's intranet collaboration suite.
Learn how each company uses our powerful features in a unique way to streamline business operations, improve productivity,
and why HyperOffice is the best online workplace choice.
Success Story - St. Edward Church and School
St. Edward is a church and school located in Nashville, TN, with a
HyperOffice user base spanning both School Administration and Faculty members.
Mercedes Araujo is the Technology Coordinator responsible for selecting, implementing,
and maintaining a communications solution for the school.
Challenges and Solutions
HyperOffice now supports Outlook 2003.
St. Edward provides a particularly compelling HyperOffice success
story due to its history with both HyperOffice and hosted Exchange.
Mercedes initially signed up with HyperOffice for one year but was forced to
move to a hosted Exchange solution due to the fact that 10% of St. Edward's
users were devoted to Outlook. At the time, HyperOffice did not support
Outlook synchronization. Mercedes soon found that the move to Exchange
was both expensive and time-consuming - the GUI was not user-friendly,
administration was difficult, and Tech Support was unenthusiastic at best.
Luckily, Mercedes found out about HyperShare, HyperOffice's successful new
capability to integrate with Outlook. Recognizing a fortunate window of
opportunity, Mercedes quickly organized the school's Tech Committee and conducted
a survey of her user base. She found that 90% of users preferred HyperOffice
to Exchange. She made the move back to HyperOffice and is happy to report that
all of her users, including the Outlook devotees, are delighted to be back with
HyperOffice is easy to administer.
Mercedes’ easy experience with HyperOffice administration is in direct contrast to
the hurdles she encountered with Exchange. Setup for Exchange was extremely difficult
and Tech Support was lackluster. In addition, Exchange required excessive manual
administration that took time away from other tasks. In contrast, setup for HyperOffice
was quick and easy, requiring very little manual administration.
Mercedes was also extremely impressed with HyperOffice’s superior quality of Tech Support.
She cited one instance in which she provided a customer suggestion to HyperOffice regarding
a minor spacing issue. She was pleasantly surprised to find that HyperOffice went ahead and
fixed the spacing issue, despite its being inconsequential to the actual program functionality.
HyperOffice is available anytime, anywhere, through any browser.
St Edward’s HyperOffice users have diverse schedules, so they often access their email, contacts
and calendar from home after teaching their classes at the school. HyperOffice provides them with
a central point of communication so everyone has easy access to essential information, such as
substitute teacher lists, class curricula, and last-minute scheduling changes. St. Edward’s
Principal and Secretary also use the handy Links feature to publicly post documents they want shared
with the entire faculty.
HyperOffice is extremely user-friendly.
Mercedes found in her survey that her user base overwhelmingly preferred HyperOffice’s rich set
of base features, especially the fact that they could view and manage all of their contacts easily.
This was particularly helpful for new faculty members who weren’t familiar with the rest of the
faculty and administration.
Mercedes also found that her new users required very little training to start using HyperOffice, thanks
to its user-friendly and intuitive interface. The Faculty also loved to take advantage of HyperDrive,
a virtual drive where you can quickly and easily edit and save files or drag and drop folders just like
any other local drive. You can also use the My Documents feature for easy viewing by other assigned
groups. Mercedes also uses the Voting feature to keep in tune with how her user base is doing with the
Overall, St. Edward Church and School is thrilled to be back with HyperOffice and intends to continue
to use it to enhance their communication and collaboration needs.
Success Story - TowerStrides, Inc
TowerStrides, Inc. is a growing IT consulting firm targeting Fortune 1000 companies, telecom clients
and the government sector. It was founded early in 2006 with 8 employees and is on track to double
its growth by year’s end. Its employees are in multiple locations throughout Virginia and also in
Phoenix, AZ.
Vijay Raghavan, TowerStrides’ President and Chairman, was the primary decision-maker in selecting a
communications and collaboration solution for the firm. Vijay has an extensive background in IT and
telecom technologies, so he understood the challenges and implications of his undertaking from the outset.
Challenges and Solutions
HyperOffice is quick and easy to install.
Vijay’s initial approach was to explore Exchange and SharePoint hosting services, but he quickly
determined that both hosted Exchange and SharePoint would be extremely time-consuming to implement
and roll out to his employees. He decided that one of his primary criteria would be to find a solution
that he could get up and running in 24 hours, without additional professional IT assistance.
Vijay decided to try HyperOffice’s free 30-day trial and was pleasantly surprised to find that he was
able to have HyperOffice installed and operating in just a few seconds. "I couldn’t believe how quickly
I was able to get it up and running. I started using it right away. That was a winning factor for me."
HyperOffice offers a comprehensive document management solution.
In addition to a robust business-class email solution, Vijay needed a good document and task
management system, due to his employees’ need for frequent communications between geographically
dispersed locations. He also wanted to be able to monitor productivity to ensure things got done
correctly and on time, without it be a huge time hit to his own schedule.
HyperOffice’s robust document management solution hit a major hot button for Vijay. "We have various
IT development methodologies we’ve put in place so both our new and existing employees use the document
management system heavily. We’re constantly developing timelines and updating them using HyperOffice’s
collaboration tools."
HyperOffice is easy to administer.
Vijay was planning on almost 100% growth by the end of the year, so he wanted a credible Intranet
solution that would accommodate rapid growth without requiring a lot of time for tedious administrative
tasks like setting up employee accounts. "I wanted to give my new employees access to their email,
work schedule, etc. on the first day of their employment." He also wanted new employees to have easy
access to all necessary corporate documentation, rather than having to hunt it down manually.
HyperOffice provides Vijay with a robust and reliable Intranet solution with a user-friendly GUI that
encourages quick and easy administration. New accounts, groups and user fluctuations are easy to set
up and manage. "Administration is easy. The pricing plan is great and I can increase the number of
users and upgrade to the next level online."
HyperOffice is available anytime, anywhere, through any browser.
Vijay’s employees are in geographically dispersed locations and travel frequently. Some of them use
Outlook 2003 and all of them need reliable email and calendar access via the web.
HyperOffice provides TowerStrides with a business-class email solution that is available 24/7 through
any browser and its new HyperShare functionality accommodates Outlooks users as well - all you need is
a broadband connection. "HyperOffice email access is great because I don’t have to be tied to my laptop,
carrying it everywhere with me, using it every day." Vijay also enjoys the fact that he can access his
calendar easily during remote client meetings, "the calendar allows me to properly coordinate between
dispersed team members."
In addition, Vijay takes advantage of the handy Task Manager to disseminate tasks amongst his partners,
who in turn provide virtual updates as they progress on various tasks. He also uses the contact
management features to share his contacts lists across the firm’s partners, so he can easily assign
a partner a follow-up call without having to send contact information. Lastly, he uses the Links feature
to share information across the company.
HyperOffice helps win business.
Vijay is happy to share his own HyperOffice success story. TowerStrides recently bid against six
competitors for a $1,000,000 project. TowerStrides made it down to the final two, leaving Vijay
pressed to find an advantage between itself and the other contender. TowerStrides’ customizable
HyperOffice-hosted Internet portal proved to be the differentiator that made the difference. When
Vijay told the potential client that TowerStrides could offer a transparent portal by means of their
own website, "the client was really WOWed by that and it definitely helped improve our image," ultimately
helping TowerStrides win the sale.
AM Professionals
AM Professionals is a professional service company focusing on SAP technologies.
AM Professionals' team is dispersed, usually at client sites solving business problems and adding to
their broad industry experience and depth of knowledge. Services include Professional Services, Software
Implementation, Support and Training for EIS software suite and ABAP Development.
Employees were spending too much time trying to find and send information needed to perform their
jobs more efficiently. Project management, technical documents, and calendars all needed to be shared.
AM Professionals are experts in software, however building groupware was not one of it's core competencies.
AM Professionals could not afford to use limited resources to build an intranet when the
resources were better leveraged generating revenue for the company.
“HyperOffice allows us to offer intranet services to our employees without having to manage it ourselves. Using the professional resources of Hyperoffice, we have an intranet that is much more capable than we could have put together with our own limited resources. In a matter of minutes, we were able to setup our intranet and begin using the various tools to facilitate internal communications for company and project information, all in one place.
Overall, our intranet has provided a central place for employees to collaborate on company initiatives and various projects. Using the generous amount of document storage allowed, we can now keep our important project documents safe and accessible for all to use, assign tasks to individuals, share calendars, etc. for a very reasonable monthly fee.”
Darrell Schneider
Find out what these customers already know. HyperOffice is an affordable collaboration, communication and
organization tool that improves your operations while saving you time and money. With HyperOffice your office
is always just a click away!