All your team tools in one place

10+ years pioneering cloud collaboration. Join over a Million productive workers and users

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HyperOffice is flexible.

Forward thinking companies use it in diverse ways

Quickly create intranet and extranet spaces. Drag and drop publisher.
Store, share and collaborate securely on any file type online.
All your team tools in a secure, anywhere accessible cloud suite.
Enterprise class email hosting with web, Outlook and mobile access.
Leverage business social networks to put people front and center of collaboration.
Push & sync company mail, contacts, calendars across devices like iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry.

1M productive workers across industries.

HyperOffice is all-in-one.

Hosted business email with mobile & Outlook sync.
File storage, document sharing & collaboration.
Unlimited shared online team calendars.
Unlimited shared online contact lists.
Co-ordinate team projects and tasks.
Create finely customized team landing pages.

HyperOffice's been around.

Experience + Innovation. Loved by Experts.

Don't Wait. Try it free for 15 days.

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Founded in 1998, HyperOffice is a market leader in cloud collaboration and communication software for small and medium sized businesses. We provide the most comprehensive suite of solutions developed over more than 12 years of understanding your growing business needs. HyperOffice's capabilities include customer portal & intranet software, online document management, online project management, shared calendars, contact management software, business email, Outlook sharing and synchronization, push email and mobile collaboration, online database software and web forms, team communication, and much more - offered as an integrated, easy to use solution accessible over any web connected PC, Mac, or mobile device. HyperOffice is also a viable Microsoft Sharepoint alternative and Microsoft Exchange alternative for growing companies looking for the power of enterprise class messaging and collaboration - but without the associated costs and hassles.