St. Edward School has served the Nashville community for over 48 years providing a Catholic education, which focus on spiritual value, academic excellence, and social maturity. In addition, Saint Edwards maintains a heavy involvement in the community through volunteerism and community organization.
St. Edward initially signed up with HyperOffice for one year but was forced to move to a hosted Exchange solution due to the fact that 10% of St. Edward’s users were devoted to Outlook. At the time, HyperOffice did not support Outlook synchronization. Mercedes soon found that the move to Exchange was both expensive and time-consuming the GUI was not user-friendly, administration was difficult, and Tech Support was unenthusiastic at best.
HyperOffice is available anytime, anywhere, through any browser. St Edward’s HyperOffice users have diverse schedules, so they often access their email, contacts and calendar from home after teaching their classes at the school. HyperOffice provides them with a central point of communication so everyone has easy access to essential information, such as substitute teacher lists, class curricula, and last-minute scheduling changes. St. Edward’s Principal and Secretary also use the handy Links feature to publicly post documents they want shared with the entire faculty. Their new users required very little training to start using HyperOffice, thanks to its user-friendly and intuitive interface. The Faculty also loved to take advantage of HyperDrive, a virtual drive where you can quickly and easily edit and save files or drag and drop folders just like any other local drive. You can also use the My Documents feature for easy viewing by other assigned groups. Overall, St. Edward Church and School is thrilled to be back with HyperOffice and intends to continue to use it to enhance their communication and collaboration needs.