HyperOffice provides comprehensive professional services around its HyperMobile product line to ensure successful deployment of HyperMobile for all service providers, regardless of their requirements and resources.
Our professional service team is composed of professional developers, systems engineers, project managers, trainers, and business consultants who are ready to take on your full project responsibility, or to complement your team during the full life-cycle of technology deployment – from the evaluation phase to post deployment.
Professional services include: Our team of professional service providers employs the latest technology and best practices to minimize the costs and time associated with the delivery of services. In addition, and when necessary, we will deliver any of our services on-site through a combination of flying the required team to your site and by using our network of partners local to the client’s site.
Consulting Services
Not sure about push e-mail and wireless synching technologies? Not sure how your users and customers will respond? Are you dealing with too many unknowns and rapidly approaching deadlines? Our business consulting team can quickly help you define and setup a multi-stage evaluation process which will help you systematically review your options while minimizing your risk. This evaluation exercise can range from technical – handset & bandwidth tests, scale and stress tests, delivery and support options, and so on--to business – technologies offered, pricing, market penetration, and so on.
TrainingHyperOffice offers a range of training services around its product line, including HyperMobile. Training services can be offered by
1. Online using the latest web conferencing technology 2. Onsite at the customer’s facility or at our facility local to the customer 3. Via professionally prepared recorded training videos
Training topics range from basic user training to advanced technical training for technical support staff, power users, and internal IT teams. In addition, our team stands ready to custom develop and deliver any training that meets a client’s unique requirements.
Integration & Deployment
Our team of professional developers and systems engineers will work with the technical team on the customer side to integrate HyperMobile within their existing environment and to meet their operational requirements. Integration requirements are identified and documented in the early planning phase and depending on the extent of the work involved our team will employ a variety of tools, technologies and best practices to assist our customers. There are three general options for deploying the HyperMobile service to mobile subscribers: ______________________________ Hosted by HyperOffice Under this option, HyperOffice handles all deployment, maintenance, and upgrade of HyperMobile service. HyperOffice offers the least costly and the fastest deployment time for customers. HyperOffice will provide a private labeled site for mobile operators to send their subscribers and users to sign up for service. In addition, our team of developers and system engineers will work closely with partners to streamline their provisioning and billing processes under this option. ______________________________ Hosted by Our Partners
Mobile operators and service providers also have the option of deploying HyperMobile on their servers. Although installing HyperMobile is fairly straightforward, we recognize that each partner may have resource limitations, aggressive deployment deadlines, a complex technical environment, and unique business requirements. To satisfy the unique requirements of every partner, our deployment specialists are ready to compliment our partners’ resources throughout the deployment phase.
Our deployment services are delivered through the latest technologies to minimize cost and time requirements. Furthermore, our team of specialists is available to provide services on-site. ______________________________
Hosted by Third Party Service providers may choose to have HyperMobile hosted at a third party host of their choice due to strategic considerations. Out deployment experts are ready to consult and assist your teams, and third party host teams to ensure successful deployment.