Users with administrative access have access to the Manage Users menu, located under Personal Settings from your avatar.
From Manage Users, depending on their access level, administrators can:
- Create, edit, and delete users
- Create, edit, and delete Workspaces
- Create, edit, and delete Profiles
- Add and remove users from Workspaces
- Modify user permissions in a Workspace
- Assign and change user profile assignment
Managing Users
Users can be viewed in Tile View or in List View. Click the toggle on the top right to switch views. Hovering over a user tile will bring up the "Edit User" button where you can edit the user's information and, if your access level allows, log in as the user.
Click Create User or Create Multiple Users to add new users to your portal. When creating a user, enter a username only without an email domain. For example, enter "brian" instead of "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.".