To set up an IMAP account on Microsoft Entourage, follow these steps:

  1. Open Entourage. From the Tools menu tab (on the top toolbar), select Accounts.
  2. Click on the down arrow next to the New button and select Email account.
  3. Bypass the automatic configuration and choose to configure the account manually.
  4. From the Account type menu, select IMAP and click OK.
  5. The Edit Account window appears. Type the following information in this window:
    • Your Name: Name that will appear on outgoing messages
    • Email: Your full email address
    • Account ID: Your full email address.
      • NOTE: Do not enter only a username. A full email address is required to access the portal's mail servers.
    • IMAP server: Your Service Provider's IMAP mail server (e.g.
    • Password: Password used to log into the portal.
    • Save Password: Select this option to prevent entering the password every time you email is checked.
    • SMTP server: Your Service Provider's SMTP mail server (e.g.

  6. Click the button labeled "Click here for advanced sending options," then select the SMTP server requires authentication option and Log on using option. Complete the User Name and password fields.
  7. Click OK to complete your IMAP account setup.