MobileSync is a mobile synchronization system that enables both personal and shared workspace information to be synchronized simultaneously. This ensures that you have all your data available at your fingertips. Real-time push messaging and over-the-air (OTA) synchronization allows access to emails, attachments, contacts, calendars, tasks and notes* from a mobile device.

To set up MobileSync, first configure a device following the instructions below for your device. This can be a smartphone an iPhone, Samsung Galaxy (Android), BlackBerry** or a tablet like an iPad or Samsung Galaxy Note.

After a device(s) has been configured:

MobileSync Configuration [Portal]

  1. Go to the Synchronization configuration located under the username drop-down.

  2. If no devices have been configured yet to this account, a welcome screen will appear:

  3. After a device has been configured, they will appear on the MobileSync configuration:

  4. Each device will be identified by a unique device ID and type (e.g. iPhone 5, iPad, etc.) To configure which data will be synchronized with the device, click "Configure" next to the device for the configuration pop-up and select which types and which workspaces to sync with the device. Also select a default location for where to write information from your device. A device can be set to write to only one location between personal or workspaces. This means that when adding a calendar event or a contact to this account from a device will write the event or contact to the default location.

  5. To remove a device, click "Remove" and confirm on the following pop-up window:

  6. When devices are configured, they will always appear in the MobileSync configuration page. If all devices are removed, the welcome screen will appear again when accessing the MobileSync configuration page.

*A Windows Phone is required for Notes synchronization.

**For users with legacy BlackBerry devices (pre BlackBerry 10), installing a sync client is required to synchronize data between the portal and the device. Click on the link provided in the MobileSync configuration to install the sync client for legacy BlackBerry devices.