1. Go to the Synchronization configuration located under the username drop-down.

  2. If no devices have been configured yet to this account, a welcome screen will appear:

  3. After a device has been configured, they will appear on the MobileSync configuration:

  4. Each device will be identified by a unique device ID and type (e.g. iPhone 5, iPad, etc.) To configure which data will be synchronized with the device, click "Configure" next to the device for the configuration pop-up and select which types and which workspaces to sync with the device. Also select a default location for where to write information from your device. A device can be set to write to only one location between personal or workspaces. This means that when adding a calendar event or a contact to this account from a device will write the event or contact to the default location.

  5. To remove a device, click "Remove" and confirm on the following pop-up window:

  6. When devices are configured, they will always appear in the MobileSync configuration page. If all devices are removed, the welcome screen will appear again when accessing the MobileSync configuration page.