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When you log in to HyperOffice, the system sets a "cookie" in your machine. This is a session variable that resides in your browser and allows you to stay logged in.
A user might be kicked out of his account due to a login session expired error because of one of the following:
The user is using the AOL browser. AOL has raised all the security settings in its browser which prevents the HyperOffice cookies from being stored on the user's computer and that's why the 'session expired' error keeps popping up in all HyperOffice pages. We advise the user to connect to the Internet using his AOL account but use Internet Explorer instead of the AOL browser.
The user has his Internet explorer security settings set to 'high'. To check these settings, click on tools on the internet explorer menu, and choose the privacy tab on the internet options window. Verify that the settings are set to medium. If you are required to keep the setting on High, please enable a custom profile for HyperOffice under trusted sites.
The user is behind a firewall that does not allow cookies to be stored on the user's computer, we advise the user to configure the firewall to allow all cookies from the HyperOffice site.
The user logs into his account on two different browser windows then signs out on one of the windows, he is automatically logged out on the other window.
The user lost his Internet connection.
The user was inactive for 30 minutes.