Please feel free to explore all the different functions we have to offer. This tour will take you through all of our features such as e-mail, calendars, tasks, links and contact managers, groupware, personal setup administration and more. At any point you may skip ahead by clicking one of the icons on the left hand side of this screen, or you can close the tour by clicking "Exit". We hope you enjoy the power of your new office on the web.
Near the top of your browser window you will find the navigation bar . By pressing on one of the navigation buttons you will be taken to different sections of HyperOffice, (current sections include: personal, groups, applications, browser, tools, & QuickAdd). The navigation bar will stay with you wherever you go in HyperOffice.
Immediately under the navigation bar is the menu bar , which describes the features that are available in each section, (these will change as you enter each section).