Intranets and Document Sharing - Do they go together?

Companies —big and small— have a need to store, manage, and share documents online. The question about whether to go digital or not is a foregone conclusion by now.

Today’s document management challenges are way more complex. Companies must ensure data security and privacy, accessibility from any device, prevent data corruption, and manage access for individuals and teams. And these are not the only requirements for a collaborative, digital workplace.

The question arises - are software providers that focus on solely offering document management able to fulfill the requirements of large organizations that want to improve collaboration? Can an application that doesn’t go beyond storage, document uploads, version history and comments, folders, and URLs accomplish all collaborative goals?

On the other hand, an Intranet that doesn’t enable functions like project management, document management, social, or workflows is just, basically, a static webpage — then it’s no surprise why Intranets might be dying.

In a siloed software market where each vendor specializes in specific modules, HyperOffice wanted to bring all these features in a single platform - we believe collaborative software should gather workers in one place. In this effort, we developed an Intranet document management system to gather both the usefulness of document management and the fluid structure of an Intranet to solve complex collaborative issues. Over the years, we’ve found that the ability to present key documents within a highly customized landing environment which has messages, videos, and branding, is especially appealing to organizations which want to present information in context to their employees and even clients. For example, a real estate organization which wants to highlight latest brochures and client forms for its agents, rather than casting them in the clutter of document folders. Or an electronics company which wants its clients to have easy access to installation guides and product details. These are perfect examples of intranet customization coming together with document management.

If you want to know more about what an intranet document management system should have, here’s a list of the features to expect — and what to ask for when working with a vendor:

Intranet document management features checklist:

  • Drag and Drop page builder: Intranets are supposed to give you the fluidity to create your own collaboration experience, reflecting your exact needs. If you want ideas to build your own intranet, here are some examples.
  • User access management: What each employee has access to needs to reflect their specific role and seniority. The system needs to be able to manage what information each employee has access to and what they can do with it.
  • Version control: Having access to the history of changes to files to know each one’s progress and contribution.
  • External access: Letting external stakeholders like clients, vendors and suppliers have access to your information.
  • Robust online document management. The system should have the ability to secure store documents with advanced collaboration features like check in and check out, commenting, backups, audit logs, WebDav support etc.

If you’re considering an intranet document management solution, you might want to try HyperOffice. If you want an even more exciting deal, we will build your first intranet for free.