Extranet Software Solution

Impress and engage customers and partners with dedicated extranet sites. Share documents, coordinate schedules, manage joint projects and more.

Intranet Software Solution clients

extranet software

Connect with Customers and Distributed Workforces through your Extranet Portal

Your partners expect access to the most reliable, accurate, and up-to-date information. An extranet solution provides a cost-effective solution without the anxieties and costs inherent with supporting complex virtual private networks (VPN). As the number of distributed workforces and virtual teams increase, the need to access and collaborate on business information via the Web is critical to success.

What is an Extranet?
share documents
share documents

Craft custom landing experiences for clients in your extranet

Build custome extranet landing pages for customers, remote teams and partners with tailored look and feel, important documentation, schedules, project updates, announcements and more.

Make your extranet portal your communication hub

Leverage real time group chat, audio/video meetings and screen sharing to keep in touch and respond to your stakeholders on the fly.

What is an Extranet?
share documents

Business-class Extranet Features

HyperOffice offers a low-cost, hassle-free, scalable, and secure extranet software solution. Just get started online and give your distributed employees, customers, and partners a central online location to easily share information anytime and anywhere. Also check out our intranet portal and customer portal.

Extranet collaboration tools

Share documents, coordinate schedules, manage projects, share contacts and more.

Extranet Customization

Build unlimited extranets and brand and customize each for every customer, vendor, or partner. It literally takes just a few minutes with our simple drag and drop Extranet Site Publisher.

Completely Hosted Extranet Solution

Reduce operational overhead associated with IT consultants, expensive servers, and software upgrades. Our extranet solution is completely hosted!

Universal Access

Remote access to your Web-based extranet. Access your information anytime, anywhere with just an Internet connection.


Which tools do I get with my extranet portal?

Shared documents, project management, shared calendars, contact management, group chat, audio/video conferencing

What sort of customization is possible in my extranet portal?

You can publish extranet landing pages with the exact tools and look and feel you want