Change Hint Question

If you forget your password, HyperOffice will ask you a "hint" question to verify your identify to retrieve your password. You can change your "hint" question, but it should always be something that is specifically known by only you.

Usage Guidelines

To change the hint question, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Settings tab on the left navigation bar.

  2. Click the Account button. The Account Settings page appears.

  3. Browse down to the Change Hint Question section in the Account Settings page.

  4. In the Password field, type the current password in this field. The password is used to validate your identity to allow you to change the hint question.

  5. In the Hint Question field, the existing hint question is displayed in the Hint question field. Change the hint question to a question of your choice.

  6. In the Hint Answer field, the existing hint answer is displayed in this field. Change the hint answer to an answer of your choice.

  7. Click the Change Hint Question button to change the hint question.


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