Create a new Category

Categories allow you to organize contact information within various sub groups that assist you in facilitating the management of the Shared Contacts folder. The Create a New Category page allows users to create new categories and associate existing contacts with these new categories.

Usage Guidelines

To create a new category, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Group Memberships icon. The Active Memberships page appears.

  2. Select the group in which you would like to create a new category. The Group homepage appears.

  3. Click the Shared Contacts button. The Shared Contacts page appears.

  4. Click the new category button. The Create a New Category page appears. On this page, complete the following information, then click the Create Category button:


Type a category name up to 255 characters


Type a brief description for the category; for example, "All sales people"

Displayed Columns

The displayed columns section allows you to customize the columns that you see for a particular contact in the category view.

Unassociated/Associated Contacts

The unassociated and associated contacts allow you to associate or unassociate contacts with a particular category. To associate a contact, simply click on the contact in the Unassociated Contacts pane and click on the >> indicator provided between the two panes. To unassociate a contact, click on a contact in the Associated Contacts pane and click on the << symbol provided between the two panes.


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