What does ‘Groups’ mean in the ‘Attach file from Documents’ page?
HyperOffice lets you insert email attachments from any group’s shared folders. Just click on Groups on the Attach file from Documents page and select the group then the file to attach. Please be aware that ‘Groups’ becomes ‘Personal’ to enable you to navigate back to the previous page and select a file from ‘My Documents’.
In order to attach a file to your email you need to select the file then click on the Attach file button located at the bottom of the Select File page. Please be aware that if you have many folders and files you need to scroll down in the small Select File window to view all your files and to locate the Attach File button.
Why can’t I click on the ‘delete’ link beside a document in a group shared documents section?
The links are disabled because you do not have the 'delete' permission on the shared documents section of that group. Please contact the group owner or administrator and have them modify your permissions on the group shared documents section.
Why can’t I open a file directly from my HyperOffice account?
HyperOffice is an online application. All files opened directly from HyperOffice are saved in your browser’s temporary Internet files directory. If you cannot open a file directly from HyperOffice, please follow these instructions to empty your Internet files directory:
1) Open Internet Explorer
2) Click on Tools in the menu at the top of Internet Explorer
3) Choose ‘Internet Options’ from the ‘Tools’ drop down menu
4) Click on the ‘Delete Files…’ button in the ‘Temporary Internet files’ section.
5) Click ‘OK’
Please note that you can also increase the size of the temporary Internet files directory by clicking on the ‘Settings’ button in the ‘Temporary Internet files’ section.
How can I upload an entire directory of files onto HyperOffice?
You can upload an entire directory into your HyperOffice account using:
a. Hyperdrive. Refer to the HyperDrive links below for additional information.
Setting up HyperDrive on a PC
HyperDrive > Setting up HyperDrive on a Mac
b. The file upload table located at the bottom of your documents section. Click Select All Files in a Folder then click Upload to upload all the files in a directory.
Note: Please note that the 'file upload table' uses ActiveX components, thus it can only be used with the Internet Explorer browser.
Why can’t I unlock a file that another user has locked?
Only the group owner or the group administrator can unlock any files locked by any group user. The lock owner can only unlock the file that he/she locked. A group user cannot unlock a file unless he/she is the lock owner.
Where can I access the different versions of a files?
Click on the ‘details’ link associated with the file, the different versions of the file are listed in the ‘versions’ table. Click on the revision number to download it.
What does “collapse all versions” mean?
‘Collapse all versions’ of a file is to delete all the previous versions of a file keeping only the most recent one.
For example:
If you have a file with versions 1 to 7 and you collapse all versions of the file, the system will delete versions 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 and make version 7 the only available version.
Why can’t I collapse all versions of a file?
Only the group owner, group administrator or the file owner can collapse all versions of a file.
Note: The file owner is the user who first uploaded the original file, not a version of the file. The file owner could also be the user who copied or moved an existing file to a new directory, the user is the owner of the copied/moved file in the new directory.
‘Revert’ to a previous version of a file means to delete all the versions of a file that are above the version that you want to revert to.
For example:
If you have a file with versions 1 to 7 and you revert to version 4, the system will delete versions 5, 6, and 7 and make version 4 the current version.
Why can’t I revert to a previous version of a file?
Only the group owner, group administrator or the file owner can revert to a previous version of a file.
Note: The file owner is the user who first uploaded the original file, not a version of the file. The file owner could also be the user who copied or moved an existing file to a new directory, the user is the owner of the copied/moved file in the new directory.
What does ‘Auto Pruning’ mean?
By setting Auto Pruning ON, you are giving the system the right to automatically delete older versions of your file.
Please note that you can set Auto Pruning on the maximum number of versions to keep, or the maximum number of days to keep old version.
Why can’t I set versioning on a file?
Only the group owner, group administrator or the file owner can set/change the versioning settings of a file.
Note: The file owner is the user who first uploaded the original file, not a version of the file. The file owner could also be the user who copied or moved an existing file to a new directory, the user is the owner of the copied/moved file in the new directory.
Why can’t I delete/modify a comment that I entered for a file?:
Only the group owner or the group administrator has access to the “edit” and “delete” buttons in a file comments tables.
What does Reset inherited permissions mean in the file permissions table?:
If a user’s ‘Reset inherited permissions’ column is checked, the user’s permissions on the file will be the same as the user’s permissions on the folder where the file resides
Why can’t I purge a file from the group’s recycle bin?
Only the group owner or the group administrator can purge a file from the recycle bin.
Why can’t I empty the group’s recycle bin?
Only the group owner or the group administrator can empty the group’s recycle bin.
Can I recover a file that was deleted from my personal or shared documents sections?
Yes, all files and folders deleted from your personal documents section are placed in your personal recycle bin. You can restore them from the recycle bin directly into the location from which they were deleted.
Also, all files and folders deleted from a group documents section are placed in the group’s recycle bin. Any group user can restore them from the recycle bin directly in the location from which they were deleted.
Can I recover a file that was purged from the recycle bin?
No, All files and folders purged from the recycle bin are permanently deleted from the system.
No, the directory size listed at the bottom of the documents section shows the total size of the current directory including the following:
- The total size of all files inside the current directory.
- The total size of all subdirectories (including their files) inside the current directory.
- The total size of all files and subdirectories that were deleted from the current directory but were not purged from the recycle bin.
When I made changes to a file that I opened from HyperOffice were not saved, why?
When modifying a file that you opened directly from HyperOffice you must follow these instructions to save it:
- Click the ‘save as’ button.
- Choose ‘My Network Places’
- Choose the ‘hyperdrive.hyperoffice.com’ folder.
- Navigate through your personal or shared documents until you locate the file you want to update.
DO NOT CLICK THE ‘SAVE’ BUTTON in the first step, YOU MUST CLICK THE ‘SAVE AS’ BUTTON. The ‘save’ button will only save the file modifications in your computer’s temporary internet files folder. Most files opened from the internet are automatically deleted from the temporary internet files folder as soon as you close them, thus none of your changes will be saved if you use the ‘save’ button.
Why can’t I connect to Hyperdrive?
When setting up Hyperdrive, make sure you type ‘http://’ at the beginning of the URL: http://hyperdrive.hyperoffice.com/hyperslide. You will not be able to connect to Hyperdrive if you only enter: hyperdrive.hyperoffice.com/hyperslide.
When accessing Hyperdrive, make sure you enter your HyperOffice Account email address, not just your username.
These are not different versions of the file. The system will add extension numbers to the name of the file only if the file versioning is OFF.
When a file versioning is OFF, the system adds an extension number to the name of the file when a user uploads a new copy of the file. The system adds this extension to avoid overwriting the original file.
For example:
‘HyperOffice.doc’ is a file that exists in your group’s root directory. If ‘HyperOffice.doc’ versioning is OFF and a user tries to upload a modified version of ‘HyperOffice.doc’ to the root of the group’s directory, the system will upload ‘HyperOffice.doc’ under the ‘HyperOffice(1).doc’ name.
When a file versioning is ON, all files uploaded with the same name as the existing file will be considered as versions of the same file and the system will not add the extension number to the name of the files.
For example:
‘HyperOffice.doc’ is a file that already exists in your group’s root directory. If ‘HyperOffice.doc’ versioning is ON and the user tries to upload a modified version of ‘HyperOffice.doc’ to the root of the group’s directory, the system will upload the modified ‘HyperOffice.doc’ as a new version of the file, which can be accessed from the file’s versions table. The system will not add the extension number to the name of the uploaded file.