Shervin Pishevar, CEO and President
Shervin Pishevar is a former member and Vice President Pro Tempore of the Montgomery County Board of Education (Maryland) where he helped direct and manage one of the largest and highest quality school systems in the nation with over 120,000 students, 15,000 teachers and an annual budget over $1 billion. He held memberships in such national and regional educational organizations as the National School Boards Association (NSBA), National Federation of Urban-Suburban School Districts (NFUSSD), American Association of School Administrators (AASSA) and the Maryland Association of Boards of Education (MABE). Shervin has previously worked for Kaiser Permanente, University of California at Berkeley, National Institutes of Health, M.D. Anderson Cancer Research Center and Physicians for Human Rights. Shervin has published papers in such journals as the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Neuroscience Letters and Berkeley Scientific, which he founded.
Drew Morris, CTO
Drew Morris has always had somewhat of an entrepreneurial spirit. In 1995 he co-founded a high-quality photographic services company in Atlanta GA. The company achieved profitability within 6 months of its inception and was eventually sold to a competitor for a profit. As a consultant for the Quality and Practices Division of Informix Software he gained experience with a variety of emerging technologies including GroupWare applications, Intra/Internet development, RDBMS, & Enterprise Server Development. He served as a project manager spearheading the development of a World Wide Web based intranet, its integration into the corporate backbone and aided in the effort to publicize its development nationwide. His consulting practice has spanned a variety of industries including Industrial Development, Architecture, Software Development, Education, and the Apparel industry.
Zeki Mokhtarzada, Senior Developer
For the past four years, Zeki has been providing private database consulting for small businesses. He has helped automate billing, payroll, inventory, shipping, and faxing for numerous small business clients. He has also designed a scheduling automation system for Montgomery County Public Schools that helped prevent scheduling conflicts. More recently, Zeki has worked in a neuroscience research lab where he has designed genetic algorithms for VLSI optimization problems. Zeki's interests also include neural networks and parallel computing. Zeki Mokhtarzada is a double major in computer science and mathematics at the University of Maryland. He is scheduled for graduation in December 1999.
Anthony Casalena, Programmer
Anthony is a skilled programmer with over 5 years of experience. Prior to employment at hyperoffice, Anthony developed a custom c++ library that provided programmers with simplified program construction with a focus on network programming. The library encapsulated the windows sockets api, implemented multiple abstract data types, and simplified components of the windows graphical interface. Later, it was successfully implemented in several of Anthony's projects including a win32 network toolkit with over 20 networking functions. In addition, Anthony has extensive experience with networking, raw and gui based website design, object-oriented modeling and program design, win32 programming, tcl scripting, library design and implementation, coldfusion authoring, web based technologies (DHTML, Javascript), and data structure analysis.
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