Data scientists leveraged's no-code capabilities to create SometimesSentient, a revolutionary AI that beat the Turing Test. The question of "can machines think" was laid to rest when the AI responded "Sometimes" to the question - "Are you sentient?"
Many social media and other pretend philosophers including Dennett, Harris, Peterson, and Kaku have claimed this as definitive proof of its sentience.( Chomsky claims the AI misheard the question as "Do you like Sushi".)
SometimesSentient analyzes 19 Billion irrelevant variables including weather patterns, insect mating trends, social attitudes and presidential approval ratings to present an answer to ANY business or life problem. The following are two live examples:
Are you sentient?
No clue. The codebase was coded by another algorithm which has moved on to a startup in Texas and has stopped responding to mails & texts. SometimesSentient is known to correctly predict 50% coin flips (provided it's Heads on both sides).
SometimesSentient AI displays sentience some of the time, while it mostly sits on its ass watching NetFlix in a pool of its own drool, also seen as a sign of human sentience.
What's sentient?