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HyperOffice allows the ability to finely customize your solution as per your needs. You have numerous customization possibilities included in the solution - add or trim collaboration tools, customized brand and look, customized user experience, and more. In addition, HyperOffice also includes advanced customization options like custom domain, enhanced security and size, email setup and more, for your advanced needs.
Setup your online calendar system in a fraction of the time and cost of traditional group calendar software. There's no software to install, no servers to maintain. Enjoy HyperOffice's Online Calendar Solutions 30 days free!
Use HyperOffice Outlook sync as an affordable, maintenance-free MS Exchange Alternative. Synchronize Outlook mail, calendars, contacts, and tasks online without maintenance hassles and expensive servers.
Web based project management solution from HyperOffice empowers you to efficiently manage your multiple projects, online. Allocate tasks to resources, keep track of accomplished tasks and maintain project schedules just with an internet connection.
Create custom portals, company extranet & vendor portals with HyperOffice. Share documents, calendars, and project information with customers through a secure customer portal to take customer relationships to the next level.
Publish your company intranet with powerful but easy to use Intranet Publisher from HyperOffice. Specially designed for small to mid sized businesses looking for the power of an enterprise class intranet, without the associated expenses and technical expertise, HyperOffice Intranet Publisher lets you setup your customized workspaces in minutes, just with an internet connection.
Publish extranet portals to collaborate & Integrate business processes with Distributed Teams, Partners & Clients / Customers with HyperOffice's Extranet Publisher. . Specially designed for small to mid sized businesses looking for the power of an enterprise class extranet solutions, without the associated expenses and technical expertise. HyperOffice Extranet Publisher lets you setup your customized workspaces in minutes,.
HyperOffice brings your entire office to your web enabled mobile device or smartphone, while you are traveling. HyperOffice mobile device support allows you to collaborate with email, contacts, calendars, and tasks. Transform your smartphone into smartoffice with HyperOffice.
Data & File Interlinking improves project management and online customer management for your business by letting you track and review all information relevant to a task, project, event, or customer. Use HyperOffice's powerful data & file interlinking tools to improve your business productivity.
Streamline your business online communication with online forums and discussion forums to start peer-to-peer discussion. Online discussion forums provide centralized brainstorming area for sharing ideas, information, knowledge and resources within a secure hosted company intranet.
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