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Business Contact Manager: Online Contact Management Software & Online Address Book

Streamline your contact management system with online contact manager and online address book capabilities. With our contact manager, you can import and export contact lists, organize each contact by category, share contacts with others through an online interface.

Online Contact Management Software & Online Address Book

An effective online contact management solution allows you to store and manage your contact list in a secure, central location. With our contact manager, you can import and export contact lists, organize each contact by category, share contacts with others through an online interface.

Customer Portal: Customer Extranet Features. Complete Customer Management Solutions

Create customer portals to share documents, calendars, and project information. Improve customer communication with your secure customer portal. Enhance customer relationship management today 30 days free.

Company Portal: Company Intranet Customization. Easy-to-use and Affordable Solution

A company portal enables document sharing, calendar sharing, and other collaboration. An effective company portal is a central repository for all critical company, department, or remote office information. Try your portal 30 days free.

Intranet Customization: Create and customize your company intranet within minutes

A company intranet solution gives businesses online access to information and allows them to streamline processes. HyperOffice lets you create a completely custom company intranet with tools like email, document management, forums, address books, calendars and more. Try our intranet 30 days free.

Company Intranet File Interlinking: Create context by interlinking related documents, contacts, tasks, events or emails

Interlinking improves project management and online customer management for your business by letting you track and review all information relevant to a task, project, event, or customer.

Intranet Software Solutions: What is an Intranet ?

With HyperOffice, you not only get answers to questions like "What's an Intranet?", you get complete intranet publishing solutions to setup your company intranet in minutes. Take advantage of HyperOffice's Intranet solution to enhance your business productivity.

ASP Intranet: Software-free Intranet Development. Easy-to-use and Affordable Hosted Intranet Solution

Easy-to-use, affordable ASP intranet solution. Share, store, manage business information securely with your intranet. Try our intranet 30 days free.

Company Intranet Publisher for Small & Medium Businesses

Publish your company intranet with powerful but easy to use Intranet Publisher from HyperOffice. Specially designed for small to mid sized businesses looking for the power of an enterprise class intranet, without the associated expenses and technical expertise. HyperOffice Intranet Publisher lets you setup your customized workspaces in minutes, just with an internet connection.

Customer Portal: Customer Extranet Solution

Share documents, calendars, and project information with customers through a secure customer portal. Customer extranet and customer portal enhances customer relationships. Try our intranet 30 days free.

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With 10 years of experience delivering online collaboration soutions, HyperOffice is the recognised market leader in online productivity and collaboration solution software for small to medium sized businesses. We provide the most comprehensive suite of solutions developed over years of hard experience understanding your growing business needs. HyperOffice's capabilities include customer extranet & intranet software, online document management, online project management, web calendar, contact management software, business email, Outlook sharing and synchronization, mobile collaboration and much more - offered as an integrated, easy to use solution accessible over any web connected PC, Mac, iPhone, or mobile device. HyperOffice is also a viable Microsoft Sharepoint alternative and Microsoft Exchange alternative for growing companies looking for the power of enterprise class messaging and collaboration - but without the associated costs and hassles. HyperOffice's extended suite of solutions includes HyperMeeting - a web meeting solution, HyperBase for online database management, and HyperCampaign for email marketing campaigns - all developed for your emerging needs, and seamlessly integrable with the HyperOffice collaboration suite at your choice.