task dependencies software

Task Dependencies

Easily manage complex tasks with sequence relationships online. Set any dependency between tasks - start to start, finish to start and so on.


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Understanding Task Dependencies

Oftentimes, in real business situations, a project consists of a collection of tasks, with people scattered across locations responsible for each. Furthermore, these tasks have elaborate inter dependencies. Some tasks can start only after others have finished, others can be performed only concurrently and so on. For example, in a construction project, the architectural design needs to be completed before the construction begins.

HyperOffice lets you handle these more sophisticated project management needs easily with task dependencies. You can create complex inter relationships amongst two or more tasks with just a few clicks. Since everyone is able to perform their tasks only as the project flow permits, there is no chance of project confusion and everyone working at cross purposes.

Task dependencies gantt chart

Task Dependency Types

  • Finish to Start. Task B cannot start till Task A has finished. For example, construction can begin only after the architectural design in finished.
  • Start to Start. Task B cannot start till Task A has started. For example, in a race, all runners have to start at the same time (though they complete the race at different times).
  • Start to Finish. Task B cannot be finished before Task A has started. For example, a guard on watch cannot leave till his replacement arrives (though he might decide to stay on even after his shift ends).
  • Finish to Finish. Task B cannot be finished till Task A has been finished. A guard can close an establishment only after the cleaning staff has finished work.


  • Complexity Simplified. You don’t need sophisticated software like MS Project to manage complex projects. A few clicks are all you need.
  • Project Workflows. Since you can set up notifications for whenever a task is marked as complete, you can create elaborate project workflows where everyone is informed when their portion of the project is due.
  • Gantt Chart. View a compelling graphic overview of your projects. Drag and drop to rearrange task sequences and durations right on the Gantt chart.
  • Task Collaboration. HyperOffice is not a siloed system lying on the project manager’s desktop. All project stakeholders with rights can view the entire project, their specific roles, and contribute – no matter where they are.
online project manager

project management system

Founded in 1998, HyperOffice is a market leader in cloud collaboration and communication software for small and medium sized businesses. We provide the most comprehensive suite of solutions developed over more than 12 years of understanding your growing business needs. HyperOffice's capabilities include customer portal & intranet software, online document management, online project management, shared calendars, contact management software, business email, Outlook sharing and synchronization, push email and mobile collaboration, online database software and web forms and much more - offered as an integrated, easy to use solution accessible over any web connected PC, Mac, or mobile device. HyperOffice is also a viable Microsoft Sharepoint alternative and Microsoft Exchange alternative for growing companies looking for the power of enterprise class messaging and collaboration - but without the associated costs and hassles.
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